Version française/English version

Tiny 'Nux Tarot


Tiny 'Nux Tarot (TnT) is a french tarot game. Its main feature is to allow to play tarot even when you don't have friends. Latest version is 0.3.

TnT is written in Vala, uses the Gtk+ library, and is released under the GNU General Public License.



Version 0.3 (with french locale)
Version 0.3 (with french locale)



In order to run, Tiny 'Nux Tarot requires the following libraries:

If you want to compile, you will also need the usual tools: gcc, and make.

Installing from a package

Currently, Tiny 'Nux Tarot is not available in distribution repositories, but I try to make Debian packages and would gladfully host other packages. If you are under Debian, you can look at the download page and see if there is a package that fits your architecture.

Installing from a source tarball

The simplest way is to download the code from the latest tarball, and to run the usual:

$ tar xjf tnt-latest.tar.bz2
$ cd tnt-0.3
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Note: as Vala source files are already precompiled in C, you won't need a Vala compiler in order to achieve this.

If everything goes well, all you have to do now is launch tnt, either by the command line or from the menu.

Downloading the latest version

If you want the latest version, you can use `git' to download the sources:


In this case, you will additionally need the Vala compiler and yelp-tools.


Simply typing:

$ tnt

should launch a new game if you just installed it, or resume your previous game if you already played (only the scores are saved at the end of each game, though).


See the rules on Wikipedia

GUI is pretty basic: click on a card to play it or select/unselect it for your dog. Click the "OK" button at the end of the turn. The name of the player name who took is displayed in red (with skulls), the name of the one who won the precedent turn is displayed in blue. Some messages also appear at the right to give you some information about who distributes or what are the bids and scores.


liz.henry at ouvaton dot org


Version 0.3.1 (?)

Version 0.3 (2012-08-02)

Version 0.2 (2012-07-14)

Version 0.1 (2012-02-21)